Socialist Era (pre-Independence)

Founding itself in a crisis of identity in the autumn of 2005, after the death of Elena Iliescu, and with the human citizens moving further to the left after propaganda by Ciprian C. Jucărești, the Country of Toys had its first big political reform since foundation. In November 2005, with Elena Iliescu being no longer in the material world for about two months, the President decided to assemble all his friends in the house of Elena Iliescu (that was, after her death, kept in a good condition by her family) and together declared the formation of the Socialist Democratic State of Toys from the ashes of the Country of Toys. In December 2005, a move deemed strange by everyone commenced: the President nominated Pisica Democrescu, right-wing politician and founder of the Democratic Party (only founded in October 2005), as Prime Minister of Juclandia. 2006 was considered a very politically unstable year for the nation, as Elena Iliescu was no longer there to moderate the President’s wish for continous change. The instability was marked by the existence of 3 Prime Ministers in only one year: something considered very controversial, as it never happened before during the life of Elena Iliescu.

In 2006, Gori Jucărescu arrived in the SDST. Gaining popularity on the political scene, he was named Prime Minister of Juclandia by President Ciprian C. Jucărești. After two failed governments in less than 8 months, nobody expected the Government of Gori Jucărescu last more than 6 months. Nevertheless, when the work on a Constitution started in the summer of 2006, signs that the Jucărescu Cabinet would be a stable and strong one started to appear. At the same time, the government started making provisions for a more organised culture and economy, and made a plan for developing the agricultural output in Cipimania (after the death of Elena Iliescu in September 2005, the economy of Cipimania virtually crashed, and the agriculture got down with it). After the Constitution of 2006 passed in September, one year after the death of Iliescu, it was set to enter into force fully only on the 1st of January 2007, at the same time with Romania’s accession to the European Union. The name of the country was modified, with the mention “Toys” being replaced with the name of Romania, thus formally the Socialist Democratic State of Romania. In October 2006, the Parliament set up by the Constitution assembled for the first time, and a new government was chosen, with Gori Jucărescu serving again as Prime Minister. This move made some claim that the government did indeed last less than 6 months, as it was thought by most of the people. The Gori II Cabinet lasted until April 2007 (which coincided with the suspension of the President of Romania) and brought out more reforms than any other Cabinet since the 2001 foundation: it has seen the SDST transition to SDSR, it has presided over the implementation of the first economic policy and the currency of the country, the Leu, it has successfully relaunched Cipimania’s economy, it has started the path for the founding of certain educational and cultural institutions and it developed the transport infrastructure.

The first year of the country being surrounded by the European Union came with great economic prosperity that indirectly derived from Romania, who was at the time considered the Economic Tiger of the European East. 2007 was also the year the country started approaching more leftist policies, and the government tacitly claimed the Socialist Democratic State of Romania was the actual successor of the Socialist Republic of Romania. Although not as politically stable as it was before Elena Iliescu died, the country started to flourish economically and politically: with formalised laws and a Constitution, the democracy started to actually made itself felt. It was also the year Cipimania started to be rebuilt after almost two years of remaining in nothing more than a ruin. But this also started with conflicts over who would hold the leadership in Cipimania, things that made the region be separated in East and West. While the West remained under the control of the central government in Jucărești, the East became nothing more than a garden in Romania. The situation remained unchanged until the winter of 2009/2010, when a reconciliation was obtained and a reunified Cipimania was granted autonomous status within Juclandia.

2008 came out as one of the most successful years, if not the most successful, in the history of Juclandia. The economic output was the greatest to be ever known since the 2001 foundation, and the politics started to be stable again. A period of distancing from Romania and Romanian customs also started. In July 2008, the government of Jucărescu realised that the country never formally declared independence from Romania. Only one week later, an official press release announced that a ceremony of presenting a Declaration of Independence was planned for 23th August 2008. In the month preceding the ceremony, the government started planning a new face for the Socialist Democratic State of Romania. The reform started with a new name for the country: after almost two weeks of searching for a name, at an assembly of human citizens in Cipimania, Adela I. presented the idea of renaming the country to Jucia, coming from The land of toys. The idea seemed ridiculous to some, but another two citizens find it inspiring and thus a final conclusion was reached with a unanimous decision: the new name of the country was going to be Juclandia.