Constitutionalism and fundamental rights
We strongly believe in a constitutional system based on the rule of law, widespread separation of powers and consensus-building mechanisms, as well as a high level of political transparency. Decisions should always be made in the open, and the politics behind community decisions should be embraced and understood, rather than seen as obstacles.
Evidence-based policy
We believe that sound policy can only be based on evidence and data. We do understand that methodological and data gathering techniques can influence the outcome of research, and we strongly believe in policy that takes into account the various political goals and ideological values of the community affected.
Equality of bargaining power
The conclusion of contracts is the backbone of every economic system. The conclusion of contracts must however be possible on the basis of equality of bargaining power. This is not the case today, as powerful multinational corporations backed by armies of well-paid legal experts impose their terms on governments, workers, and small businesses across the world.
Eliminating middlemen
We believe in developing advanced technologies enabling governments to create open, transparent markets with minimised information assymmetry that will remove the role middlemen currently play in market economies.
Co-operative market economies
In contrast to ownership by private investors, shareholders, or financial institutions, co-operatives prioritize social impact alongside financial sustainability, making them a powerful tool for building a more equitable and inclusive economy. This model can still drive profitability by aligning the interests of all stakeholders and ensuring that economic success translates to direct benefits for members and the community at large.
Digital government
The digitalisation of administrative procedures makes life easier both for the citizen - the main beneficiary of public goods and services - and for the governments and its civil servants.

Redistribution and Social Cohesion
Maintaining a low level of wealth and income inequality and empowering govenment to engage in important redistribution efforts helps build a healty, peaceful, and crime-free society with a high level of interpersonal trust. Fighting to build a more cohesive society, where the identities and personalities of all individuals are respected and encouraged to grow, while common societal goals and mutual respect guide collective action.

Innovative Economic Planning
Far from favouring free and competitive markets, the economic system of today gives great power to financial markets to allocate resources available in the economy. Financial markets have evolved beyond recognition and are often used as vehicles of speculation, unjust enrichment as well as the protection of specific parts of the population (such as individuals whose retirement depends on stock value that must keep growing). We want to help reinvent the notion of economic planning, and use tools such as artificial intelligence and unprecedented real-time data collection capacities to create a fairer, freer economy, where other sectors of the economy are not prisoners to the whims of the financial markets.

Smart and Livable Cities
At the Juclandian Institute, we believe in the development of resilient, livable cities where inhabitants can enjoy access to public services within walking distance. We believe in moderate densification and shared public spaces.
On 24 February 2022, the conservative authoritarian regime in Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The Ukrainian people are not only defending their freedom and sovereignty against a global hateful, genocidal, and reactionary clique, but they are protecting the entire European continent from further aggression. The supreme sacrifice of the Ukrainian people for their freedom and ours shall never be forgotten.
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"Long before becoming a policy institute, Juclandia has been above all an innovative micronation meant to explore new ways of understanding political and social institutions, as well as promote counter-intuitive identity-building strategies. For us, Juclandia is more than a micronation or a country. It's a way of living."
Ovia Bogi, President of the Council of Ministers
ELENA ILIESCU (1912-2005)